Former Principal Investigator of the Ontario Health Study, Dr. Lyle Palmer, co-authored this paper on the positive impact of physical activity on sleep apnea. Read the abstract (A subscription is required to access the full paper.) Learn more about the project in this Forbes article
Archives: Research Findings
The Ontario Health Study is one of five regional cohorts that make up the Canadian Partnership for Tomorrow Project, a health research platform using data and biosamples from more than 300,000 Canadians. The complex process of harmonizing a subset of data collected by each of the five regional cohorts, so that they are standardized and
The Ontario Health Study is the largest contributor to Canada’s biggest national health research platform, the Canadian Partnership for Tomorrow Project (CPTP). This CMAJ paper provides an overview of the CPTP, its design, data access process, and cohort profile. It positions the CPTP as a unique resource for researchers interested in the complex interactions between