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Using cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) data from the Canadian Alliance for Healthy Heart and Minds (CAHHM) cohort (of which a subset are OHS and CanPath participants), researchers used this large and diverse group of participants to set reference values for cardiac morphology and function that are specific to age and sex. Read the full paper

An analysis of data from two cohort studies, the Canadian Alliance for Healthy Hearts and Minds (CAHHM) which includes a subset of OHS and CanPath participants, and the Prospective Urban Rural Epidemiological–Mind (PURE-MIND) study, suggests that adiposity or excess body fat is associated with lower cognitive scores. Read the full paper in the journal Nature

Differences in hair and eye color (pigmentation) are principally determined by our genes rather than our environment. To determine the genetic variants that are associated with having blonde, red and brown hair, researchers selected a sample of 12,741 CanPath participants of European ancestry (including more than 700 participants from the OHS). People with European ancestors