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What’s New With the OHS?

Since 2010, the Ontario Health Study (OHS) has been working hard to build a platform for chronic disease research. Working together with the research community and Ontarians across the province we are now following the health of about 225,000 people and have collected more than 40,000 blood samples. We’re building a database of health information and a biobank so researchers can better understand the link between genetics, lifestyle and environment—and the role they play in our health.

In this section, you’ll find information about the various Study activities and upcoming initiatives.

Blood tubes in the laboratory centrifuge

The Ontario Health Study Newsletter, December 2020

Dec 7, 2020 // OHS Newsletter

In this issue: Coming soon – We want a blood sample! It’s a lot bigger than just our COVID-19 Questionnaire More than 40,000 contribute to ongoing COVID-19 research Check out how your data will be used Future blood tests could detect cancer years earlier Staying in touch Keeping an eye on your privacy Why did

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How will the Ontario Health Study use data from the COVID-19 Questionnaire?

Sep 17, 2020 // Study Updates

OHS Scientific Associate Dr. Victoria Kirsh explains some of the many ways that data provided by OHS participants will be used to contribute to the worldwide knowledge around COVID-19.  

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How will the COVID-19 Questionnaire data add to what we know about the virus?

Sep 17, 2020 // Study Updates

Dr. Vicki Kirsh discusses how the data collected by the OHS COVID-19 Questionnaire will be able to inform public health response, by identifying those who will be more likely to require critical care if infected, and assisting hospitals with triage protocol in the event of a surge in cases.  

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