For Researchers
Managing Your OHS Research Project
Resources to ensure your project’s success
Congratulations on your approved access request! Here you will find some important timelines and milestones from the OHS Data and Biosample Access Policy for managing your Approved Research Project, as well as some tips to make the process as smooth as possible.
Remember: Feel free to reach out to us at any point in your project! Contact our Research Operations and Access Officer at
1. Accessing data and starting your research
- You have a signed Data and Biosample Access Agreement or Supplemental Access Agreement in place, and access fees are paid. You’re ready to begin!
- The OHS will send the requested dataset via secure transfer, along with the data dictionary. Open the data file and confirm you’ve received all of the variables you requested.
- The OHS will add your Approved Research Project and lay summary to the list of all Research Using OHS Data and Biosamples. Your project may also be featured as a Study Update or in the OHS Participant Newsletter.
- Ongoing tasks:
- Keep your contact information up to date.
- Notify us of any publications or presentations (see section 2).
- Submit annual updates if applicable – the Access Officer will send you a reminder.
- Need more time? Submit the Access Renewal form.

2. Publishing and promoting your research
- Let us know of any publications, presentations, webinars or posters – we’re happy to help spread the word about your research and to promote your findings.
- Contact the OHS Access Office for the acknowledgement language. As part of your contractual agreement with the OHS, share manuscripts and abstracts at least two weeks prior to submission; or one week for presentations.
3. Changes to your project?
Submit an Access Amendment Form if you need to make changes to your Approved Research Project, including:
- Changes to the study objectives and/or design
- Changes to the research protocol
- Requests for additional participants, data variables, and/or biosamples
- Adding research team members from a different institution
This Form must be submitted for any changes that require an REB amendment.

4. Unexpected changes?
- Submit an Unanticipated Event Form if something occurs that may have an impact on OHS data, biosamples and derived data, for example:
- Inability to complete the Approved Research Project
- Compromised data or material security, integrity, or confidentiality
- Breach of ethics
- Any breach of ethics or compromised data or material security, integrity or confidentiality must be reported promptly by telephone to the OHS at 1‑866‑606‑0686. The Unanticipated Event Form must be submitted within 48 hours of the event.
5. Closing your project
- Submit your Final Project Report to the OHS, summarizing your research findings.
- Submit any derived data and variables to improve the depth and breadth of the OHS database.
- After an archive period allowing for peer review and auditing, complete a Certificate of Destruction to confirm that all copies of data and/or samples have been destroyed.

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