For Researchers
Data Access Forms and Templates
Read This First

Ontario Health Study Data and Biosample Access Policy
This policy outlines every step in the OHS data access procedure, from application request, to final project report and the eventual destruction of data. Interested in accessing OHS data for research? We recommend reviewing this document first.
Forms and Templates

Project Feasibility Assessment Form
For applicants needing a letter of support for a grant or ethics submission, researchers seeking a general feasibility assessment, or researchers seeking a cost estimate prior to submitting a Data and Biosample Access Application Form.

Data and Biosample Access Application Form
This application will be sent to the Data Access Committee (DAC) for a complete review along with:
• Research protocol (with ethics approval)
• Proof of scientific peer-review of research protocol
• Approval by Research Ethics Board
• 2-page CV of the principal applicant

Data and Biosample Access Agreement
This sets out the terms and conditions a researcher and their institution must agree to before accessing OHS data and biosamples.

Data and Biosample Access Renewal Form
For successful applicants who want to access the data and/or biosamples beyond the initial approved period.

Template for Final Project Report
A summary of the research findings to be submitted upon completion of an approved research project.

Template for Unanticipated Event/Significant Change Report
To be completed if something unanticipated occurs that may have an impact on OHS data, biosamples and derived data.
Some examples are:
• Inability to complete the approved research project
• Changes to information provided in the Data and Biosample Access Application Form, including changes in who will have access to OHS data and biosamples.
• Compromised data or material security, integrity or confidentiality
• Breach of ethics

Template for Certificate of Destruction
Certifies that all OHS data and/or biosamples and all copies thereof have been destroyed.
Supplementary Resources

Baseline Questionnaire
Online questionnaire that all participants completed when they registered for the Study.

Follow-Up Questionnaire
Online questionnaire asking participants to provide an update on their health as well as additional questions related to e-cigarette and marijuana use, mental health and over-the-counter drug use.

Ontario Health Study and CanPath COVID-19 Questionnaire
The COVID-19 Questionnaire was administered by multiple regional studies that make up the Canadian Partnership for Tomorrow’s Health (CanPath).