For Participants
Update your Contact Information
Stay connected with us!
If your email, address or phone number have changed, please log in to your OHS account and update your information. This way we are able to let you know about follow-up health questionnaires and share news about the Study. Even if you’ve moved outside of Ontario or Canada, you’re still a valued member of the Ontario Health Study.
As a long-term study, one of our goals is to collect information about your health throughout your lifetime, so that the development of disease can be tracked through time. The information you provide contributes valuable information to support cancer and chronic disease research.
Ways to update your contact details
1. Log into your OHS account:

1. Log in to your account.
2. Click “My Profile,” then click “Personal Information”.
3. Make any necessary changes and click “Apply” at the bottom of the page.

Send your new contact information to

Call us at 1-866-606-0686, weekdays 9 am to 5 pm.