Explore the work-health connection: New occupational data augments Ontario Health Study data and biosamples
May 19, 2023 // Study Updates

Occupational and related psycho-social data collected from more than 33,000 OHS participants are now available to researchers. Collected in 2019 through a comprehensive questionnaire about work history, job duration, exposures, levels of physical activity, shift work, commute times and more, the Work History Questionnaire is the latest expansion of OHS data offerings.
This occupational information deepens self-reported health data, including disease, lifestyle factors and anthropometric data collected in both the OHS Baseline (2010-2018) Questionnaire and the Follow-Up health questionnaire (2016-2018).
- Researchers interested in heavy metals, chemicals, pesticides or other workplace exposures may wish to access participant blood or urine samples.
- Participants’ exposures, as well as self-reported industry sectors and >72,000 job titles, can be used in conjunction with the CANJEM occupational exposure information system.
- More than 9,760 (30%) questionnaire respondents reported a work exposure. Top exposures include:
Noise Paints Diesel or gasoline Asbestos Wood dust Live animals |
Glue Welding Mineral, cutting or lubricating oil Pesticides Ionizing radiation (e.g. X-Rays) Full body vibrations |
Coal tar Treated wood Degreasing agents Benzene Isopropyl Sandblasting |
Learn more about the Work History Questionnaire.
Read a summary of variables collected in four other OHS questionnaires
Contact access@ontariohealthstudy.ca to learn more about applying for access to OHS data and biosamples.