Data from 10,000 OHS participants studied for vaccine effectiveness
Feb 8, 2022 // Study Updates
Ontario Health Study investigators merited a $500,000 CIHR operating grant to relate COVID-19 antibody levels to vaccine effectiveness by looking at COVID-19 infection levels, hospitalization rates and deaths in vaccinated OHS participants. They will also assess how immune response to vaccination varies by: Type of vaccine (AstraZeneca, Pfizer or Moderna) including mixed doses Number of
Machine learning models using OHS data can help detect risk of Acute Myeloid Leukemia years earlier
Dec 2, 2021 // Study Updates
In this 2021 presentation, Kimberly Skead, a PhD student and coordinator of the Canadian Data Integration Centre, and Philip Awadalla, the Executive Director of the Ontario Health Study, provide insight into why some people develop a type of leukemia while others do not, despite an age-related increase in mutations in blood cells in the European
CanPath to study the impact and immune response to COVID-19 infection and vaccination
Dec 1, 2021 // Study Updates
The Canadian Partnership for Tomorrow’s Health (CanPath) COVID-19 Antibody Study is expanding. The Government of Canada is investing $1.9 million through Canada’s COVID-19 Immunity Task Force (CITF) to fund an extension of CanPath’s existing study over a longer period of time, allowing for an additional collection of blood samples and questionnaire responses from participants. This
Years-early detection of cancer markers possible through research using OHS samples
Nov 26, 2021 // Study Updates
Plasma samples from 330 OHS participants were used to demonstrate that certain markers in the blood could be used to predict cancers up to seven years before a doctor’s diagnosis. Nicholas Cheng, a PhD student in the Awadalla Lab at the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research, presented his research at the October 2021 American Society