The Ontario Health Study Newsletter, November 2021
Nov 30, 2021 // OHS Newsletter
In this issue: International PSY-CA study uses OHS data on depression An update on the COVID-19 Antibody Study Students get hands-on experience with synthetic dataset Town Hall Event February 24, 2022 Huge global research platform now contains OHS data Maybe your job is setting you up for eczema or psoriasis Why did you participate in

The Ontario Health Study Newsletter, July 2021
Jul 4, 2021 // OHS Newsletter
In this issue: Single shot of mRNA vaccine produces short term antibody levels 1.5 times greater than AstraZeneca, early results show From symptoms to severity, your COVID-19 questionnaire data are being used! Lab expected to analyze more than 8,000 blood spot samples for antibodies Whole genome sequencing will help researchers study disease development Cancer in

The Ontario Health Study Newsletter, December 2020
Dec 7, 2020 // OHS Newsletter
In this issue: Coming soon – We want a blood sample! It’s a lot bigger than just our COVID-19 Questionnaire More than 40,000 contribute to ongoing COVID-19 research Check out how your data will be used Future blood tests could detect cancer years earlier Staying in touch Keeping an eye on your privacy Why did

The Ontario Health Study Newsletter, May 2020
May 13, 2020 // OHS Newsletter
In this Issue: Take the COVID-19 Questionnaire What makes our blood age well? What’s behind a cancer diagnosis in women under 50? Do you fib about your age? Epidemiologist joins the OHS Team OHS is part of CanPath, a national health research platform Why did you participate in the OHS? Take the COVID-19 Questionnaire