Provincial Variation in Colorectal Cancer Screening Adherence in Canada; evidence from the Canadian Partnership for Tomorrow’s Health (CanPath)
Jul 24, 2023 //
Data from more than 158,000 Canadians, including almost 80,000 OHS participants, were used to examine why so few Canadians follow recommended screening guidelines for colorectal cancer, even though regular screening is shown to reduce incidents of the disease or death. Based on self-reported data from online questionnaires, it turns out only 47.7 percent of the OHS participants studied sought screening for colorectal cancer, well below the recommended national target of 60% or higher. Low physical activity, current smoking, presence of personal risk, and previous family history of being screened, significantly reduced the likelihood of following screening recommendations. Study authors sought to address a gap in knowledge regarding regional variation in screening uptake, what factors contribute to non-adherence, and to estimate the adherence to colorectal cancer screening among individuals with different risk profiles. Read more in Frontiers in Oncology.